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со всех языков на все языки

as one enchanted

  • 1 one

    1. adjective
    1) attrib. ein

    one thing I must say — ein[e]s muss ich sagen

    one or two(fig.): (a few) ein paar

    one more... — noch ein...

    it's one [o'clock] — es ist eins od. ein Uhr; see also academic.ru/23561/eight">eight 1.; half 1. 1), 3. 2); quarter 1. 1)

    2) attrib. (single, only) einzig

    in any one day/year — an einem Tag/in einem Jahr

    at any one time — zur gleichen Zeit; (always) zu jeder Zeit

    not one [little] bit — überhaupt nicht

    3) (identical, same) ein

    one and the same person/thing — ein und dieselbe Person/Sache

    at one and the same time — gleichzeitig; see also all 2. 1)

    4) pred. (united, unified)

    be one as a family/nation — eine einige Familie/Nation sein; see also with 1)

    5) attrib. (a particular but undefined)

    at one time — einmal; einst (geh.)

    one morning/night — eines Morgens/Nachts

    one day(on day specified) einmal; (at unspecified future date) eines Tages

    one day soonbald einmal

    one Sundayan einem Sonntag

    6) attrib. contrasted with ‘other’/‘another’ ein

    neither one thing nor the other — weder das eine noch das andere; see also hand 1. 24)


    in one(coll.): (at first attempt) auf Anhieb

    got it in one!(coll.) [du hast es] erraten!

    2. noun
    1) eins
    2) (number, symbol) Eins, die; see also eight 2. 1)
    3) (unit)
    3. pronoun

    one of... — ein... (+ Gen.)

    one of them/us — etc. einer von ihnen/uns usw.

    any one of them — jeder/jede/jedes von ihnen

    every one of them — jeder/jede/jedes [einzelne] von ihnen

    not one of them — keiner/keine/keines von ihnen

    2) replacing n. implied or mentioned ein...

    the jacket is an old onedie Jacke ist [schon] alt

    the older/younger one — der/die/das ältere/jüngere

    this is the one I like — den/die/das mag ich

    you are or were the one who insisted on going to Scotland — du warst der-/diejenige, der/die unbedingt nach Schottland wollte

    this one — dieser/diese/dieses [da]

    that one — der/die/das [da]

    these ones or those ones? — (coll.) die [da] oder die [da]?

    these/those blue etc. ones — diese/die blauen usw.

    which one? — welcher/welche/welches?

    not one — keiner/keine/keines; (emphatic) nicht einer/eine/eines

    all but one — alle außer einem/einer/einem

    I for one — ich für mein[en] Teil

    one by one, one after another or the other — einzeln

    love one anothersich od. (geh.) einander lieben

    be kind to one anothernett zueinander sein

    3) (contrasted with ‘other’/‘another’)

    [the] one... the other — der/die/das eine... der/die/das andere

    4) (person or creature of specified kind)

    the little one — der/die/das Kleine

    our dear or loved ones — unsere Lieben

    young one(youngster) Kind, das; (young animal) Junge, das


    [not] one who does or to do or for doing something — [nicht] der Typ, der etwas tut

    6) (representing people in general; also coll.): (I, we) man; as indirect object einem; as direct object einen


    wash one's handssich (Dat.) die Hände waschen

    7) (coll.): (drink)

    I'll have just a little oneich trinke nur einen Kleinen (ugs.)

    have one on meich geb dir einen aus

    8) (coll.): (blow)

    give somebody one on the head/nose — jemandem eins über den Kopf/auf die Nase geben (ugs.)

    * * *
    1. noun
    1) (the number or figure 1: One and one is two (1 + 1 = 2).) die Eins
    2) (the age of 1: Babies start to talk at one.) die Eins
    2. pronoun
    1) (a single person or thing: She's the one I like the best; I'll buy the red one.) der/die/das(jenige)
    2) (anyone; any person: One can see the city from here.) man
    3. adjective
    1) (1 in number: one person; He took one book.) ein/e/es
    2) (aged 1: The baby will be one tomorrow.) eins
    3) (of the same opinion etc: We are one in our love of freedom.) einer Meinung
    - one-
    - oneself
    - one-night stand
    - one-off
    - one-parent family
    - one-sided
    - one-way
    - one-year-old
    4. adjective
    ((of a person, animal or thing) that is one year old.) einjährige
    - all one
    - be one up on a person
    - be one up on
    - not be oneself
    - one and all
    - one another
    - one by one
    - one or two
    * * *
    I. adj inv
    1. attr (not two) ein(e)
    we have two daughters and \one son wir haben zwei Töchter und einen Sohn
    \one hundred/thousand einhundert/-tausend
    \one million eine Million
    \one third/fifth ein Drittel/Fünftel nt
    2. attr (one of a number) ein(e)
    the glass tube is closed at \one end das Glasröhrchen ist an einem Ende verschlossen
    he can't tell \one wine from another er schmeckt bei Weinen keinen Unterschied
    3. attr (single, only) einzige(r, s)
    her \one concern is to save her daughter ihre einzige Sorge ist, wie sie ihre Tochter retten kann
    do you think the five of us will manage to squeeze into the \one car? glaubst du, wir fünf können uns in dieses eine Auto quetschen?
    we should paint the bedroom all \one colour wir sollten das Schlafzimmer nur in einer Farbe streichen
    he's the \one person you can rely on in an emergency er ist die einzige Person, auf die man sich im Notfall verlassen kann
    not \one man kein Mensch
    to have just \one thought nur einen [einzigen] Gedanken haben
    the \one and only... der/die/das einzige...
    ladies and gentlemen, the \one and only Muhammad Ali! meine Damen und Herren, der einzigartige Muhammad Ali!
    4. attr (some future) irgendein(e)
    I'd like to go skiing \one Christmas ich würde gern irgendwann an Weihnachten Skifahren gehen
    \one afternoon next week an irgendeinem Nachmittag nächste Woche, irgendwann nächste Woche nachmittags
    \one day irgendwann
    \one evening/night irgendwann abends/nachts
    5. attr (some in the past) ein(e)
    \one moment he says he loves me, the next moment he's asking for a divorce einmal sagt er, er liebt mich, und im nächsten Moment will er die Scheidung
    \one afternoon in late October an einem Nachmittag Ende Oktober
    \one day/evening/night eines Tages/Abends/Nachts
    \one night we stayed up talking till dawn an einem Abend plauderten wir einmal bis zum Morgengrauen
    6. attr ( form: a certain) ein gewisser/eine gewisse
    her solicitor is \one John Wintersgill ihr Anwalt ist ein gewisser John Wintersgill
    7. attr esp AM ( emph fam: noteworthy)
    his mother is \one generous woman seine Mutter ist eine wirklich großzügige Frau
    that's \one big ice cream you've got there du hast aber ein großes Eis!
    it was \one hell of a shock to find out I'd lost my job ( fam) es war ein Riesenschock für mich, als ich erfuhr, dass ich meinen Job verloren hatte fam
    he was \one hell of a snappy dresser ( fam) er war immer todschick gekleidet fam
    8. (identical) ein(e)
    all types of training meet \one common standard alle Trainingsarten unterliegen den gleichen Maßstäben
    to be of \one mind einer Meinung sein
    \one and the same ein und der-/die-/dasselbe
    that's \one and the same thing! das ist doch ein und dasselbe!
    9. (age) ein Jahr
    \one is a difficult age mit einem Jahr sind Kinder in einem schwierigen Alter
    to be \one [year old] ein Jahr alt sein
    little Jimmy's \one today der kleine Jimmy wird heute ein Jahr alt
    she'll be \one [year old] tomorrow sie wird morgen ein Jahr alt
    10. (time)
    \one [o'clock] eins, ein Uhr
    it's half past \one es ist halb zwei
    at \one um eins
    a hundred [or million] [or thousand] and \one hunderttausend
    I've got a hundred and \one things to do this morning ich muss heute Vormittag hunderttausend Dinge erledigen
    what with \one thing and another ( fam) weil alles [o viel] zusammenkommt
    what with \one thing and another she hadn't had much sleep recently da alles [o viel] zusammenkam, hat sie in letzter Zeit nicht viel Schlaf bekommen
    \one way or another [or the other] (for or against) für oder gegen; (somehow) irgendwie
    there is no evidence \one way or the other about the effectiveness of the drug es gibt keinerlei Beweise für die Wirksamkeit oder Unwirksamkeit des Medikaments
    the bills have to be paid \one way or another die Rechnungen müssen irgendwie bezahlt werden
    II. n
    1. (unit) Eins f
    \one hundred and \one einhundert[und]eins
    three \ones are three drei mal eins gibt [o ist] [o macht] drei
    2. (figure) Eins f
    the front door bore a big brass \one auf der Eingangstür prangte eine große kupferne Eins
    3. (size of garment, merchandise) Größe eins
    little Jackie's wearing \ones now die kleine Jackie trägt jetzt Größe eins
    4. no pl (unity)
    to be \one eins sein
    to be made \one getraut werden
    III. pron
    1. (single item) eine(r, s)
    four parcels came this morning, but only \one was for Mark heute Morgen kamen vier Pakete, aber nur eines war für Mark
    which cake would you like? — the \one at the front welchen Kuchen möchten Sie? — den vorderen
    I'd rather eat French croissants than English \ones ich esse lieber französische Croissants als englische
    I have two apples, do you want \one? ich habe zwei Äpfel, möchtest du einen?
    not a single \one kein Einziger/keine Einzige/kein Einziges
    \one at a time immer nur eine(r, s)
    don't gobble them up all at once — eat them \one at a time schling nicht alle auf einmal hinunter — iss sie langsam
    [all] in \one [alles] in einem
    with this model you get a radio, CD player and cassette deck [all] in \one dieses Modell enthält Radio, CD-Player und Kassettendeck in einem
    \one after another [or the other] eine(r, s) nach dem/der anderen
    \one after another the buses drew up die Busse kamen einer nach dem anderen
    \one [thing] after another [or the other] eines nach dem anderen
    \one or another [or the other] irgendeine(r, s)
    not all instances fall neatly into \one or another of these categories nicht alle Vorkommnisse fallen genau unter eine dieser Kategorien
    this/that \one diese(r, s)/jene(r, s)
    these/those \ones diese/jene
    which \one do you want? — that \one, please! welchen möchten Sie? — den dort, bitte!
    \one of sth:
    Luxembourg is \one of the world's smallest countries Luxemburg ist eines der kleinsten Länder der Welt
    electronics is \one of his [many] hobbies die Elektronik ist eines seiner [vielen] Hobbys
    our organization is just \one of many charities unsere Organisation ist nur eine von vielen wohltätigen Vereinigungen
    2. (single person) eine(r)
    two could live as cheaply as \one zwei könnten so günstig wie einer wohnen
    she thought of her loved \ones sie dachte an ihre Lieben
    to [not] be \one to do [or who does] sth (nature) [nicht] der Typ sein, der etw tut, [nicht] zu denen gehören, die etw tun; (liking) etw [nicht] gerne tun
    she's always been \one to take [or who takes] initiative es war schon immer ihre Art, die Initiative zu ergreifen
    I've never really been \one to sit around doing nothing untätig herumzusitzen war noch nie meine Art
    he's always been \one that enjoys good food ihm hat gutes Essen schon immer geschmeckt
    he's not \one to eat exotic food er isst nicht gerne exotische Speisen
    she's [not] \one to go [or who goes] to parties sie geht [nicht] gerne auf Partys
    to not [or never] be \one to say no to sth nie zu etw dat Nein sagen können
    to be [a] \one for sth ( fam) etw gerne mögen, sich dat viel aus etw dat machen
    Jack's always been \one for the ladies Jack hatte schon immer viel für Frauen übrig
    to not be [a] \one ( fam) for sth [or to not be much of a \one] ( fam) etw nicht besonders mögen, sich dat nicht viel aus etw dat machen
    I've never really been [much of a] \one for football ich habe mir eigentlich nie viel aus Fußball gemacht
    to [not] be [a] \one for doing sth ( fam) etw [nicht] gerne machen
    he's a great \one for telling other people what to do er sagt anderen gerne, was sie zu tun haben
    \one and all ( liter) alle
    the news of his resignation came as a surprise to \one and all die Nachricht von seinem Rücktritt kam für alle überraschend
    well done \one and all! gut gemacht, ihr alle!
    like \one + pp wie ein(e)...
    Viv was running around like \one possessed before the presentation Viv lief vor der Präsentation wie eine Besessene herum
    \one after another eine/einer nach der/dem anderen
    \one by \one nacheinander
    \one of:
    she's \one of my favourite writers sie ist eine meiner Lieblingsautoren
    to be \one of many/a few eine(r) von vielen/wenigen sein
    the \one der-/die[jenige]
    Chris is the \one with curly brown hair Chris ist der mit den lockigen braunen Haaren
    3. (expressing alternatives, comparisons)
    they look very similar and it's difficult to distinguish \one from the other sie sehen sich sehr ähnlich, und es ist oft schwer sie auseinanderzuhalten
    \one or the other der/die/das eine oder der/die/das andere
    choose \one of the pictures. you may have \one or the other, but not both such dir eins der Bilder aus. du kannst nur eines davon haben, nicht beide
    \one without the other der/die/das eine ohne der/die/das andere
    \one has an obligation to \one's friends man hat Verpflichtungen seinen Freunden gegenüber
    \one must admire him er ist zu bewundern
    5. ( form: I) ich; (we) wir
    \one gets the impression that... ich habe den Eindruck, dass...
    \one has to do \one's best wir müssen unser Bestes geben
    I for \one ich für meinen Teil
    I for \one think we should proceed was mich betrifft, so denke ich, dass wir weitermachen sollten
    6. (question) Frage f
    what's the capital of Zaire?oh, that's a difficult \one wie heißt die Hauptstadt von Zaire? — das ist eine schwierige Frage
    7. ( fam: alcoholic drink) Getränk nt
    this \one's on me! diese Runde geht auf mich!
    she likes a cool \one after a hard day nach einem harten Tag braucht sie einen kühlen Drink
    8. ( fam: joke, story) Witz m
    that was a good \one! der war gut!
    did I tell you the \one about the blind beggar? habe ich dir den [Witz] von dem blinden Bettler schon erzählt?
    9. BRIT, AUS ( dated fam: sb who is lacking respect, is rude, or amusing)
    you are a \one! du bist mir vielleicht einer! fam
    she's a \one! das ist mir vielleicht eine! fam
    to be all \one to sb Chinesisch für jdn sein fam
    Greek and Hebrew are all \one to me Griechisch und Hebräisch sind Chinesisch für mich fam
    to be as \one on sth ( form) bei etw dat einer Meinung sein
    we have discussed the matter fully and are as \one on our decision wir haben die Angelegenheit gründlich erörtert, und unsere Entscheidung ist einstimmig
    to be at \one with sb ( form) mit jdm einer Meinung sein
    to be at \one with sth ( form) mit etw dat eins sein
    they were completely at \one with their environment sie lebten in völliger Harmonie mit ihrer Umwelt
    to be \one of the family zur Familie gehören fig
    to get sth in \one ( fam: guess) etw sofort erraten; (understand) etw gleich kapieren fam
    so are you saying she's leaving him?yep, got it in \one du sagst also, dass sie ihn verlässt? — ja, du hast es erfasst
    to get [or be] \one up on sb jdn übertrumpfen
    in \one (draught) in einem Zug, [auf] ex fam
    to be \one of a kind zur Spitze gehören
    in the world of ballet she was certainly \one of a kind as a dancer in der Welt des Ballet zählte sie zweifellos zu den besten Tänzerinnen
    to land [or sock] sb \one [on the jaw] ( fam) jdm eine reinhauen fam
    \one or two ( fam) ein paar
    I hear you've collected over 1,000 autographs! — well, I do have \one or two ich habe gehört, du hast über 1.000 Autogramme gesammelt! — na ja, ich habe schon ein paar
    in \ones and twos (in small numbers) immer nur ein paar; (alone or in a pair) allein oder paarweise [o zu zweit]
    we expected a flood of applications for the job, but we're only receiving them in \ones and twos wir haben eine Flut von Bewerbungen für die Stelle erwartet, aber es gehen [täglich] nur wenige ein
    to arrive/stand around in \ones and [or or] twos einzeln oder paarweise [o zu zweit] eintreffen/herumstehen
    * * *
    1. adj
    1) (= number) ein/eine/ein; (counting) eins

    there was one person too manyda war einer zu viel

    one girl was pretty, the other was ugly —

    she was in one room, he was in the other — sie war im einen Zimmer, er im anderen

    the baby is one ( year old) — das Kind ist ein Jahr (alt)

    it is one ( o'clock) — es ist eins, es ist ein Uhr

    one hundred pounds — hundert Pfund; (on cheque etc) einhundert Pfund

    that's one way of doing itso kann mans (natürlich) auch machen


    (indefinite) one morning/day etc he realized... — eines Morgens/Tages etc bemerkte er...


    (= a certain) one Mr Smith — ein gewisser Herr Smith


    (= sole, only) he is the one man to tell you — er ist der Einzige, der es Ihnen sagen kann


    (= same) they all came in the one car — sie kamen alle in dem einen Auto


    (= united) God is one — Gott ist unteilbar

    they were one in wanting that — sie waren sich darin einig, dass sie das wollten

    2. pron
    1) eine(r, s)

    the one who... — der(jenige), der.../die(jenige), die.../das(jenige), das...

    he/that was the one — er/das wars

    do you have one? — haben Sie einen/eine/ein(e)s?

    the red/big etc one — der/die/das Rote/Große etc

    my one (inf) — meiner/meine/mein(e)s

    his one (inf) — seiner/seine/sein(e)s

    not (a single) one of them, never one of them — nicht eine(r, s) von ihnen, kein Einziger/keine Einzige/kein Einziges

    any one — irgendeine(r, s)

    every one — jede(r, s)

    this one — diese(r, s)

    that one — der/die/das, jene(r, s) (geh)

    which one? — welche(r, s)?

    that's a good one (inf) — der (Witz) ist gut; ( iro, excuse etc ) (das ist ein) guter Witz

    I'm not one to go out oftenich bin nicht der Typ, der oft ausgeht

    I'm not usually one to go out on a week night, but today... — ich gehe sonst eigentlich nicht an Wochentagen aus, aber heute...

    she was never one to cry — Weinen war noch nie ihre Art; (but she did) sonst weinte sie nie

    he's a great one for discipline/turning up late — der ist ganz groß, wenns um Disziplin/ums Zuspätkommen geht

    ooh, you are a one! (inf)oh, Sie sind mir vielleicht eine(r)! (inf)

    she is a teacher, and he/her sister wants to be one too — sie ist Lehrerin, und er möchte auch gern Lehrer werden/ihre Schwester möchte auch gern eine werden

    I, for one, think otherwise — ich, zum Beispiel, denke anders

    one after the other — eine(r, s) nach dem/der/dem anderen

    take one or the other —

    one or other of them will do it — der/die eine oder andere wird es tun

    one who knows the country —

    in the manner of one who... — in der Art von jemandem, der...

    like one demented/possessed — wie verrückt/besessen

    2) (impers) (nom) man; (acc) einen; (dat) einem

    one must learn to keep quiet — man muss lernen, still zu sein

    to hurt one's footsich (dat) den Fuß verletzen

    to wash one's face/hair — sich (dat) das Gesicht/die Haare waschen

    3. n
    (= written figure) Eins f

    to be at one (with sb) — sich (dat) (mit jdm) einig sein

    * * *
    one [wʌn]
    A adj
    1. ein, eine, ein:
    one apple ein Apfel;
    one man in ten einer von zehn;
    one or two ein oder zwei, ein paar;
    he spoke to him as one man to another er redete mit ihm von Mann zu Mann; hundred A 1, thousand A 1
    2. (emphatisch) ein, eine, ein, ein einziger, eine einzige, ein einziges:
    all were of one mind sie waren alle einer Meinung;
    he is one with me on this er ist mit mir darüber einer Meinung;
    be made one ehelich verbunden werden;
    for one thing zunächst einmal;
    no one man could do it allein könnte das niemand schaffen;
    his one thought sein einziger Gedanke;
    the one way to do it die einzige Möglichkeit(, es zu tun);
    my one and only hope meine einzige Hoffnung;
    the one and only Mr X der unvergleichliche oder einzigartige Mr. X; man A 5
    3. all one nur präd alles eins, ein und dasselbe:
    it is all one to me es ist mir (ganz) egal;
    it’s one fine job es ist eine einmalig schöne Arbeit
    4. ein gewisser, eine gewisse, ein gewisses, ein, eine, ein:
    one day eines Tages (in Zukunft od Vergangenheit);
    one of these days irgendwann (ein)mal;
    one John Smith ein gewisser John Smith
    B s
    1. Eins f, eins:
    one is half of two eins ist die Hälfte von zwei;
    a Roman one eine römische Eins;
    one and a half ein(und)einhalb, anderthalb;
    I bet ten to one (that …) ich wette zehn zu eins(, dass …);
    at one o’clock um ein Uhr;
    one-ten ein Uhr zehn, zehn nach eins;
    in the year one anno dazumal;
    be one up on sb jemandem (um eine Nasenlänge) voraus sein; number one
    2. (der, die) Einzelne, (das) einzelne (Stück):
    the all and the one die Gesamtheit und der Einzelne;
    one by one, one after another, one after the other einer nach dem andern;
    one with another eins zum anderen gerechnet;
    by ones and twos einzeln und zu zweien oder zweit;
    I for one ich zum Beispiel
    3. Einheit f:
    be at one with sb mit jemandem einer Meinung oder einig sein;
    be at one with nature eins mit der Natur sein;
    be at one with life rundherum zufrieden sein;
    a) alle gemeinsam,
    b) alles in einem
    4. Ein(s)er m, besonders Eindollarnote f
    C pron
    1. ein(er), eine, ein(es), jemand:
    as one wie ein Mann, geschlossen;
    on this question they were as one in dieser Frage waren sich alle einig;
    as one enchanted wie verzaubert;
    one of the poets einer der Dichter;
    one who einer, der;
    the one who der(jenige), der oder welcher;
    one so cautious jemand, der so vorsichtig ist; ein so vorsichtiger Mann;
    help one another einander oder sich gegenseitig helfen;
    have you heard the one about …? kennen Sie den (Witz) schon von …?;
    one for all and all for one einer für alle und alle für einen
    2. (Stützwort, meist unübersetzt):
    a sly one ein ganz Schlauer;
    that one der, die, das da ( oder dort);
    a red pencil and a blue one ein roter Bleistift und ein blauer;
    the portraits are fine ones die Porträts sind gut;
    the picture is a realistic one das Bild ist realistisch; anyone, each A, many A 1, someone
    3. man:
    4. one’s sein, seine, sein:
    break one’s leg sich das Bein brechen;
    lose one’s way sich verirren
    5. umg
    a) ein anständiges Ding (hervorragende Sache, besonders tüchtiger Schlag)
    b) Kanone f fig, Könner(in):
    one in the eye fig ein Denkzettel;
    that’s a good one! nicht schlecht!;
    you are a one! du bist mir vielleicht einer!; land C 6
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) attrib. ein

    one thing I must say — ein[e]s muss ich sagen

    one or two(fig.): (a few) ein paar

    one more... — noch ein...

    it's one [o'clock] — es ist eins od. ein Uhr; see also eight 1.; half 1. 1), 3. 2); quarter 1. 1)

    2) attrib. (single, only) einzig

    in any one day/year — an einem Tag/in einem Jahr

    at any one time — zur gleichen Zeit; (always) zu jeder Zeit

    not one [little] bit — überhaupt nicht

    3) (identical, same) ein

    one and the same person/thing — ein und dieselbe Person/Sache

    at one and the same time — gleichzeitig; see also all 2. 1)

    4) pred. (united, unified)

    be one as a family/nation — eine einige Familie/Nation sein; see also with 1)

    5) attrib. (a particular but undefined)

    at one time — einmal; einst (geh.)

    one morning/night — eines Morgens/Nachts

    6) attrib. contrasted with ‘other’/‘another’ ein

    neither one thing nor the other — weder das eine noch das andere; see also hand 1. 24)


    in one(coll.): (at first attempt) auf Anhieb

    got it in one!(coll.) [du hast es] erraten!

    2. noun
    1) eins
    2) (number, symbol) Eins, die; see also eight 2. 1)
    3. pronoun

    one of... — ein... (+ Gen.)

    one of them/us — etc. einer von ihnen/uns usw.

    any one of them — jeder/jede/jedes von ihnen

    every one of them — jeder/jede/jedes [einzelne] von ihnen

    not one of them — keiner/keine/keines von ihnen

    2) replacing n. implied or mentioned ein...

    the jacket is an old one — die Jacke ist [schon] alt

    the older/younger one — der/die/das ältere/jüngere

    this is the one I like — den/die/das mag ich

    you are or were the one who insisted on going to Scotland — du warst der-/diejenige, der/die unbedingt nach Schottland wollte

    this one — dieser/diese/dieses [da]

    that one — der/die/das [da]

    these ones or those ones? — (coll.) die [da] oder die [da]?

    these/those blue etc. ones — diese/die blauen usw.

    which one? — welcher/welche/welches?

    not one — keiner/keine/keines; (emphatic) nicht einer/eine/eines

    all but one — alle außer einem/einer/einem

    I for one — ich für mein[en] Teil

    one by one, one after another or the other — einzeln

    love one anothersich od. (geh.) einander lieben

    3) (contrasted with ‘other’/‘another’)

    [the] one... the other — der/die/das eine... der/die/das andere

    4) (person or creature of specified kind)

    the little one — der/die/das Kleine

    our dear or loved ones — unsere Lieben

    young one (youngster) Kind, das; (young animal) Junge, das


    [not] one who does or to do or for doing something — [nicht] der Typ, der etwas tut

    6) (representing people in general; also coll.): (I, we) man; as indirect object einem; as direct object einen


    wash one's handssich (Dat.) die Hände waschen

    7) (coll.): (drink)
    8) (coll.): (blow)

    give somebody one on the head/nose — jemandem eins über den Kopf/auf die Nase geben (ugs.)

    * * *
    (number) n.
    n. adj.
    ein adj.
    eins adj. pron.
    man pron.

    English-german dictionary > one

  • 2 màrrach

    enchanted castle which kept one spell-bound, labyrinth, thicket to catch cattle (M`A.). Root mar, mer, deceive, as in mear, brath.

    Etymological dictionary of the Gaelic language > màrrach

  • 3 embelesar

    1 to captivate.
    su belleza lo embelesó he was enchanted o captivated by her beauty
    2 to enrapture, to carry away, to fascinate, to rapture.
    * * *
    1 to charm, delight, fascinate
    * * *
    VT to enchant, entrance
    * * *
    verbo transitivo to captivate
    * * *
    = enthral [enthrall, -USA], entrance.
    Ex. If one encounters a young patron who is an animal lover, the recommendation of a book such as Kipling's 'The Jungle Book' may enthrall him or her.
    Ex. Her husband is entranced with a woman who is manic-depressive.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo to captivate
    * * *
    = enthral [enthrall, -USA], entrance.

    Ex: If one encounters a young patron who is an animal lover, the recommendation of a book such as Kipling's 'The Jungle Book' may enthrall him or her.

    Ex: Her husband is entranced with a woman who is manic-depressive.

    * * *
    embelesar [A1 ]
    to captivate
    * * *

    embelesar ( conjugate embelesar) verbo transitivo
    to captivate
    embelesar verbo transitivo to fascinate
    ' embelesar' also found in these entries:
    - entrance
    * * *
    to captivate;
    su belleza lo embelesó he was enchanted o captivated by her beauty
    * * *
    v/t captivate
    * * *
    : to enchant, to captivate

    Spanish-English dictionary > embelesar

  • 4 gönül

    ",-nlü 1. heart; mind. 2. inclination, desire, willingness. -den 1. heartfelt, sincere. 2. most sincerely. -ünce after one´s own heart. - acısı pangs of love. -ü açık 1. openhearted, frank, sincere. 2. lighthearted, carefree, cheerful. - açıklığı 1. openheartedness, sincerity. 2. lightheartedness, carefreeness, cheerfulness. -ü açılmak to cheer up, become cheerful. - açmak to cheer up, make happy. -ü akmak /a/ to be enchanted by, be attached to, feel an attraction for. - alçaklığı humility, modesty. -ünü almak /ın/ 1. to please. 2. to restore relations with, apologize to and make up with. - avcısı (a) Don Juan; vamp. -ünü avlamak /ın/ to captivate, win (someone´s) love. - avutmak 1. to dally with love. 2. /la/ to resign oneself to (a lesser portion), content oneself with (little). - bağı bonds of love. - bağlamak /a/ to set one´s heart on. - belası trouble caused by love. - birliği unity of feelings. -ü bol generous-hearted. - borcu gratitude. - budalası hopelessly in love. -ünü bulandırmak /ın/ 1. to nauseate. 2. to raise (one´s) suspicions. -ü bulanmak 1. to feel sick at one´s stomach, be nauseated. 2. to get suspicious. - bulantısı 1. nausea. 2. suspicion. - çekmek to be in love. -ü çekmek /ı/ to desire. -ünü çelmek /ın/ to captivate, win (someone´s) love. -den/-ünden çıkarmak /ı/ to forget, cast (someone) out of one´s heart. -ü çökmek to have a breakdown in morale, give up. -ü daralmak to be distressed. - darlığı 1. distress. 2. intolerance. - delisi one who keeps falling in love. - dilencisi one who is so madly in love that he undergoes any humiliation to be near his beloved. -üne doğmak to have a presentiment. -ünün dümeni bozuk colloq. (one) who is not serious in his love affairs. - eğlencesi 1. pastime, amusement. 2. passing love affair, flirtation. - eğlendirmek /la/ 1. to amuse oneself with, have a good time (doing something). 2. to have a love affair with. - eri tolerant and sensible person. - esenliği peace of mind, repose. -ünü etmek/yapmak /ın/ 1. to persuade, induce, win (one´s) assent. 2. to please. - ferahlığı contentment. - ferman dinlemez. proverb The heart will always have its own way. -ü gani 1. generous. 2. contented. -ünden geçirmek /ı/ to want to do; to wish (something) to happen. -ünden geçmek to come to one´s mind, occur to one. -ü geniş tolerant. - gezdirmek/dolaştırmak to review the possible (pleasant) choices. -üne göre after one´s own heart. -ü gözü açılmak to be cheered up, feel revived. -ünü hoş etmek /ın/ to please, make (someone) contented. - hoşluğu ile/- rızasıyla willingly. -den ırak olmak not to be loved. -ü ile oynamak /ın/ to play with (someone´s) heart. -ü ilişmek/takılmak /a/ to be attracted by. - indirmek to be willing to do some job that is beneath one; to accept or do something that is beneath one, condescend to do something. - işi love affair. -ü kalmak 1. to feel resentment, feel hurt. 2. /da/ to long for. -ü kanmak to stop worrying, be set at ease. -ünü kapmak /ın/ to captivate, win (someone´s) love. -ünü kaptırmak /a/ to be captivated by. -ü kara malevolent. -ü kararmak to feel disgusted with life. -ünü karartmak /ın/ to make (someone) lose the joy of living. -ü kaymak /a/ to love, feel attraction for. -ü kırılmak (for one´s feelings) to be hurt. -ünü kırmak /ın/ to hurt the feelings of; to crush; to put (someone) down. - kimi severse güzel odur. proverb Beauty is a matter of individual taste. -den/-ünden kopmak to be given gladly: gönlünüzden ne koparsa what you feel like giving. - koymak /a/ to be upset by. - maskarası one who becomes a laughingstock because of a love affair. - okşamak to treat someone kindly. - okşayıcı pleasant, tender, loving. -ü olmak 1. /a/ to be willing to; to agree to, consent to. 2. /da/ to want to have, be in love with (something). 3. /da/ to love, be in love with (someone). -ünü pazara çıkarmak to fall in love with an unworthy person. - rahatlığı complete peace and co

    Saja Türkçe - İngilizce Sözlük > gönül

  • 5 TRYLLA

    (-da, -dr), v.
    1) to turn into troll, enchant (þeir trylldu hann svá at hann var engum mennskum manni líkr);
    3) refl., tryllast, to be turned into a troll, to be enchanted.
    * * *
    d, [troll; Dan. trylde], to enchant, turn into a troll; blótuðu þeir hann ok trylltu hann svá at hann varð engum mennskum manni líkr, Fas. ii. 242; þú þykki mér troll … ok væri þat svá at virða en trylla menn eigi, thou art a trollit would be better to put this construction upon it, and not call men trolls, Ísl. ii. 366.
    II. reflex. to be turned into a troll, enchanted; ok hafi hann síðan tryllsk ok orðit at ormi, Fms. vi. 143; eigi vitu vér hvárt hann trylltisk dauðr eða kvikr, Gullþ.
    2. part. trylldr, charmed; mikill ok mjök trylldr svá at hann var eigi einhamr, Fb. i. 522; svá kann ok verða, at af stundu eru þeir trylldir er áðr vóru blótaðir, … en þó munu vér því næst blótaðir ok síðan trylldir, ii. 7; kettir svartir ok mjök trylldir, Fs. 44: to become mad, furious, demoniac.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > TRYLLA

  • 6 без памяти

    I разг.
    1) (очень сильно, страстно, до самозабвения (любить, влюбиться и т. п.)) love smb. to distraction; be madly (most desperately) in love with smb.; fall helplessly in love with smb.; be crazy about smb., smth.

    Между тем с каждой минутой она нравилась ему всё больше и больше. Он уже был без памяти в неё влюблён. (В. Катаев, Хуторок в степи) — With every moment that passed he loved her more, he was most desperately in love.

    Даже самые старые генералы относились к нему, самому молодому, дружески и с уважением. А товарищи по чину и младшие любили без памяти. (С. Голубов, Багратион) — Even the senior Generals treated him, though their subordinate, with friendship and respect, and those of equal or lower rank simply worshipped him.

    Здесь он с детства выучился плавать и нырять... здесь он без памяти полюбил жизнь на воде. (Эм. Казакевич, Сердце друга) — There as a child he learned to swim and dive... there he became enchanted by life on the water.

    - Дома мне не велят зимой есть эскимо, потому что у меня гланды, а мы, что я, что Люська, обожаем эскимо без памяти. (С. Антонов, Алёнка) — 'I'm not allowed to eat ice-cream in the wintertime, on account of my tonsils, and Lusya and me - we're both of us crazy about it.'

    - Я не хотел ревновать, но ревновал всё же. Я любил маму без памяти... (Ю. Бондарев, Выбор) — 'I did not wish to be jealous, but I was nonetheless. I loved your mother to distraction...'

    Прожили Ася с Матвеем у родителей почти месяц. За это время и дед и бабушка полюбили мальчишку без памяти. (И. Грекова, Кафедра) — Asya and Matvei spent almost a month with her parents. In that time the grandfather and grandmother fell helplessly in love with him.

    2) (очень быстро, стремительно, ни на что не обращая внимания (бежать, нестись и т. п.)) run (rush) panic-stricken (having almost lost consciousness); run (rush) like mad

    Хивря побежала без памяти к воротам, потому что стук повторился в них с большею силой и нетерпением. (Н. Гоголь, Сорочинская ярмарка) — Khivrya ran panic-stricken to the gate, because the knocking had been repeated, this time with increased force and impatience.

    3) (без сознания, в обмороке) be unconscious; be in a coma; be dead (wide) to the world

    - Но пока я выбирал якорь, отец получил удар веслом в грудь - вырвало вёсла из рук у него - он свалился на дно без памяти. (М. Горький, Сказки об Италии) — 'But while I was fumbling for the anchor, the wind tore the oar out of my father's hand knocking him a blow on the chest that sent him reeling unconscious to the bottom of the boat.'

    Мама лежала в жару и не поднимала головы: не то она спала, не то была без памяти. Она дышала часто, горячо и что-то шептала. (Ф. Гладков, Вольница) — Mother was feverish and did not move; she was either asleep or in a coma. Her breath came in short hot gasps and she was whispering something.

    (от кого, от чего) ( быть) разг. lose one's head over smb., smth.; be (become) enchanted by smb., smth.

    Помещик Манилов, ещё вовсе человек не пожилой, имевший глаза сладкие, как сахар, и щуривший их всякий раз, когда смеялся, был от него [Чичикова] без памяти. (Н. Гоголь, Мёртвые души) — The land-owner Manilov, not at all an elderly man yet, with eyes that were as sweet as sugar, and who puckered them up every time he laughed, lost his head over Chichikov.

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь > без памяти

  • 7 Bends of the Rainbow

    SK, DT 4
    3. Радуга Мэрлина (Maerlyn’s Rainbow)

    “Wizard’s Rainbow is just a fairy-tale,” Cuthbert said, smiling in response to Steven’s smile. Then—perhaps it was something in Steven Deschain’s eyes—Cuthbert’s smile faltered. “Isn’t it?” / “Not all the old stories are true, but I think that of Maerlyn’s Rainbow is,” Steven replied. “It’s said that once there were thirteen glass balls in it—one for each of the Twelve Guardians, and one representing the nexus-point of the Beams.” — Магические Кристаллы – всего лишь сказка, – сказал Катберт, улыбаясь в ответ на улыбку Стивена. Потом он, видимо, уловил что-то во взгляде Стивена Дискейна, и улыбка его сникла. – Ведь так? / – Не все старинные истории достовены, но, думаю, Радуга Мэрлина не выдумка, – ответил Стивен. – Говорят, что когда-то она состояла из тринадцати кристаллов: по одному на каждого из Двенадцати Стражей, и ещё один, представляющий центральную точку, где сходятся Лучи. (ТБ 4)

    “If the other balls in the Wizard’s Rainbow did exist, most are broken now. Such things never stay in one place or one pair of hands for long, you know, and even enchanted glass has a way of breaking. Yet at least three or four bends o’ the Rainbow may still be rolling around this sad world of ours. The blue, almost certainly. A desert tribe of slow mutants—the Total Hogs, they called themselves—had that one less than fifty years ago, although it’s slipped from sight again since. The green and the orange are reputed to be in Lud and Dis, respectively. And, just maybe, the pink one.” — Если остальные шары существовали, то большая их часть уже разбита. Они не задерживались надолго в одном месте и в одних руках, а разбиваются даже магические кристаллы. Однако три или четыре шара Радуги Мейрлина еще катятся по просторам нашего несчастного мира. Синий, это точно. Лет пятьдесят назад он принадлежал племени мутантов, кочующему по пустыне, они называют себя Горбуны, хотя с тех пор о нем ничего не слышно. Зеленый и оранжевый находятся соответственно в Ладе и Дизе. И, возможно, есть еще розовый. ( ТБ 4)

    English-Russian dictionary of neologisms from a series of books by Stephen King "Dark Tower" > Bends of the Rainbow

  • 8 П-29

    БЕЗ ПАМЯТИ coll PrepP Invar
    1. ( subj-compl with бытье, лежать (subj: human) one is, lies in a state of unconsciousness
    X был без памяти - X was unconscious
    X was out cold.
    «Когда дым рассеялся, на земле лежала раненая лошадь, и возле нее Бэла... Бедняжка, она лежала неподвижно, и кровь лилась из раны ручьями... Она была без памяти» (Лермонтов 1). "When the smoke had cleared, the wounded horse lay on the ground, and beside it lay Bela....Poor little thing, she was lying motionless, and blood poured out of her wound in streams....She was unconscious" (1a).
    2. любить кого-что, бытье влюблённым (в кого) увлечься кем-чем и т. п. - ( adv (intensif)) (to love s.o., be enamored of s.o. or sth.) very strongly, passionately: (be) head over heels in love with s.o.
    love s.o. madly (to distraction) (be) madly in love with s.o.
    (be) crazy about s.o. sth.. Целомудренный и застенчивый Николай... был без памяти влюблен в дочь управляющего одной из экономии (Лившиц 1)....The chaste and shy Nikolai...was head over heels in love with the daughter of the manager of one of the estates (1a).
    Любил ее Коля, простая душа, любил без памяти (Терц 5). Nicky loved her, the simple, decent fellow, loved her madly (5a).
    Гостей множество, все они молоды, прекрасны, храбры, все без памяти влюблены в королеву» (Тургенев 3). "There are many guests. They are all young, beautiful, brave, and all are madly in love with the queen" (3b).
    3. \П-29 от кого-чего ( subj-compl with бытье (subj: human) one is enraptured by s.o. or sth.: X был без памяти от Y-a — X was enchanted (delighted, carried away) by Y
    X lost his head over person Y X was ecstatic about thing Y X was in raptures over Y X was wild about Y.
    «По чести скажу вам: я до сих пор без памяти от вашего „Бригадира"» (Гоголь 5). "I tell you sincerely, I have not yet got over my delight at your Brigadier" (5a).
    В немного времени он (Чичиков) совершенно усгил очаровать их. Помещик Манилов... был от него без памяти (Гоголь 3). It did not take him (Chichikov) long to charm both of them completely. Landowner Ma-nilov...simply lost his head over Chichikov (3c).
    4. бежать, нестись и т. п. -
    (of a person or animal) (to run, race etc) very fast, impetuously, not paying attention to anything around one
    like one possessed
    like mad at breakneck speed like a bat out of hell.
    Петр схватил конверт и без памяти помчался домой. Pyotr grabbed the envelope and raced home at breakneck speed.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > П-29

  • 9 без памяти

    [PrepP; Invar]
    1. [subj-compl with быть, лежать (subj: human)]
    one is, lies in a state of unconsciousness:
    - X был без памяти X was unconscious;
    - X was out cold.
         ♦ "Когда дым рассеялся, на земле лежала раненая лошадь, и возле нее Бэла... Бедняжка, она лежала неподвижно, и кровь лилась из раны ручьями... Она была без памяти" (Лермонтов 1). "When the smoke had cleared, the wounded horse lay on the ground, and beside it lay Bela....Poor little thing, she was lying motionless, and blood poured out of her wound in streams....She was unconscious" (1a).
    2. любить кого-что, быть влюблённым (в кого) увлечься кем-чем и т.п. без памяти [adv (intensif)]
    (to love s.o., be enamored of s.o. or sth.) very strongly, passionately:
    - (be) head over heels in love with s.o.;
    - love s.o. madly (to distraction);
    - (be) madly in love with s.o.;
    - (be) crazy about s.o. (sth.).
         ♦ Целомудренный и застенчивый Николай... был без памяти влюблён в дочь управляющего одной из экономий (Лившиц 1)....The chaste and shy Nikolai...was head over heels in love with the daughter of the manager of one of the estates (1a).
         ♦ Любил её Коля, простая душа, любил без памяти (Терц 5). Nicky loved her, the simple, decent fellow, loved her madly (5a).
         ♦ "Гостей множество, все они молоды, прекрасны, храбры, все без памяти влюблены в королеву" (Тургенев 3). "There are many guests. They are all young, beautiful, brave, and all are madly in love with the queen" (3b).
    3. без памяти от кого-чего [subj-compl with быть (subj: human)]
    one is enraptured by s.o. or sth.:
    - X был без памяти от Y-a - X was enchanted (delighted, carried away) by Y;
    - X was wild about Y.
         ♦ "По чести скажу вам: я до сих пор без памяти от вашего "Бригадира"" (Гоголь 5). "I tell you sincerely, I have not yet got over my delight at your Brigadier" (5a).
         ♦ В немного времени он [Чичиков] совершенно успел очаровать их. Помещик Манилов... был от него без памяти (Гоголь 3). It did not take him [Chichikov] long to charm both of them completely. Landowner Manilov...simply lost his head over Chichikov (3c).
    4. бежать, нестись и т.п. без памяти [adv]
    (of a person or animal) (to run, race etc) very fast, impetuously, not paying attention to anything around one:
    - like a bat out of hell.
         ♦ Пётр схватил конверт и без памяти помчался домой. Pyotr grabbed the envelope and raced home at breakneck speed.

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > без памяти

  • 10 hinreißen

    v/t (unreg., trennb., hat -ge-)
    1. Person: zu sich hinreißen pull to one; Fluss etc.: mit sich hinreißen carry s.th. away
    2. fig. (begeistern) enthral(l); sich hinreißen lassen let o.s. be carried away ( von by); sich ( dazu) hinreißen lassen, etw. zu tun let o.s. be carried away and do s.th.; das Stück riss ( das Publikum) zu Beifallsstürmen hin the play received rapturous applause; hingerissen
    * * *
    to ravish; to entrance; to enrapture
    * * *
    vt sep (fig)
    1) (= begeistern) to thrill, to enrapture
    auch hingerissen

    (= überwältigen) jdn zu etw hinreißen — to force sb into sth

    sich hinreißen lassento let oneself be or get carried away

    sich zu einer Entscheidung hinreißen lassento let oneself be carried away into making a decision

    * * *
    jdn \hinreißen to send sb into transports of delight form, to enchant [or captivate] [or enrapture] sb
    [von jdm/etw] hingerissen sein to be enchanted [or captivated] [or enraptured] [by sb/sth]
    von jdm hingerissen sein (verliebt sein) to be smitten [or infatuated] with sb
    hin- und hergerissen sein to be unable to decide [or unable to make up one's mind]
    was meinst du?ich bin ganz hin- und hergerissen what do you think? — oh! I don't know [or I can't make up my mind]!
    2. (spontan verleiten)
    jdn zu etw dat \hinreißen to drive sb to sth, to provoke sb into sth
    sich akk zu etw dat \hinreißen lassen to allow oneself to be [or to let oneself be] driven to sth/into doing sth [or provoked into doing sth]
    sich akk \hinreißen lassen to allow oneself to be carried away, to let oneself be carried away
    sich akk dazu \hinreißen lassen, etw zu tun to allow oneself to [or to let oneself] be provoked into doing [or be driven to] sth
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    2) (begeistern) enrapture

    das Publikum zu Beifallsstürmen hinreißenelicit thunderous or rapturous applause from the audience


    sich dazu hinreißen lassen, etwas zu tun — let oneself get or be carried away and do something

    er ließ sich zu einer Beleidigung hinreißen — he let himself be carried away and insulted him/her etc.

    * * *
    hinreißen v/t (irr, trennb, hat -ge-)
    1. Person:
    zu sich hinreißen pull to one; Fluss etc:
    mit sich hinreißen carry sth away
    2. fig (begeistern) enthral(l);
    sich hinreißen lassen let o.s. be carried away (
    von by);
    sich (dazu) hinreißen lassen, etwas zu tun let o.s. be carried away and do sth;
    das Stück riss (das Publikum) zu Beifallsstürmen hin the play received rapturous applause; hingerissen
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    2) (begeistern) enrapture

    das Publikum zu Beifallsstürmen hinreißenelicit thunderous or rapturous applause from the audience


    sich dazu hinreißen lassen, etwas zu tun — let oneself get or be carried away and do something

    er ließ sich zu einer Beleidigung hinreißen — he let himself be carried away and insulted him/her etc.

    * * *
    to ravish v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > hinreißen

  • 11 К-421

    ЗАКОЛДОВАННЫЙ КРУГ NP sing only fixed WO
    1. (according to superstitious beliefs) a space made impenetrable to one's enemies by magical spells
    magic (enchanted) circle.
    2. logic. Also: ПОРОЧНЫЙ КРУГ an error in reasoning, when the premise is used to prove the conclusion, which, in turn, is used to prove the premise
    vicious circle.
    3. Also: ПОРОЧНЫЙ КРУГ a situation in which solving one problem creates an even more difficult problem, thus making ultimate resolution impossible
    vicious circle (cycle).
    «Надо подать проект, — подумал секретарь, — чтобы в каждом районе было два Учреждения. Тогда первое будет выполнять свои функции, а второе будет наблюдать, чтобы не пропало первое... А кто же будет наблюдать за другим Учреждением? Значит, нужно создать третье, а за третьим -четвёртое и так далее до бесконечности, но кто же тогда будет заниматься другими делами?» Получался какой-то заколдованный круг (Войнович 2). A resolution should be submitted, thought the Secretary, that there be two Institutions in each district. The first would carry out its usual functions and the second would keep an eye on the first so that it wouldn't disappear....But who's going to keep their eye on the second Institution? That means a third will have to be created, and a fourth for the third and so on, ad infinitum, and then who would be left to do anything else? It had turned into a vicious cycle (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > К-421

  • 12 заколдованный круг

    [NP; sing only; fixed WO]
    1. (according to superstitious beliefs) a space made impenetrable to one's enemies by magical spells:
    - magic (enchanted) circle.
    2. logic. Also: ПОРОЧНЫЙ КРУГ an error in reasoning, when the premise is used to prove the conclusion, which, in turn, is used to prove the premise:
    - vicious circle.
    3. Also: ПОРОЧНЫЙ КРУГ a situation in which solving one problem creates an even more difficult problem, thus making ultimate resolution impossible:
    - vicious circle (cycle).
         ♦ "Надо подать проект, - подумал секретарь, - чтобы в каждом районе было два Учреждения. Тогда первое будет выполнять свои функции, а второе будет наблюдать, чтобы не пропало первое... А кто же будет наблюдать за другим Учреждением? Значит, нужно создать третье, а за третьим - четвёртое и так далее до бесконечности, но кто же тогда будет заниматься другими делами?" Получался какой-то заколдованный круг (Войнович 2). A resolution should be submitted, thought the Secretary, that there be two Institutions in each district. The first would carry out its usual functions and the second would keep an eye on the first so that it wouldn't disappear....But who's going to keep their eye on the second Institution? That means a third will have to be created, and a fourth for the third and so on, ad infinitum, and then who would be left to do anything else? It had turned into a vicious cycle (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > заколдованный круг

  • 13 порочный круг

    [NP; sing only; fixed WO]
    1. (according to superstitious beliefs) a space made impenetrable to one's enemies by magical spells:
    - magic (enchanted) circle.
    2. logic. Also: ПОРОЧНЫЙ КРУГ an error in reasoning, when the premise is used to prove the conclusion, which, in turn, is used to prove the premise:
    - vicious circle.
    3. Also: ПОРОЧНЫЙ КРУГ a situation in which solving one problem creates an even more difficult problem, thus making ultimate resolution impossible:
    - vicious circle (cycle).
         ♦ "Надо подать проект, - подумал секретарь, - чтобы в каждом районе было два Учреждения. Тогда первое будет выполнять свои функции, а второе будет наблюдать, чтобы не пропало первое... А кто же будет наблюдать за другим Учреждением? Значит, нужно создать третье, а за третьим - четвёртое и так далее до бесконечности, но кто же тогда будет заниматься другими делами?" Получался какой-то заколдованный круг (Войнович 2). A resolution should be submitted, thought the Secretary, that there be two Institutions in each district. The first would carry out its usual functions and the second would keep an eye on the first so that it wouldn't disappear....But who's going to keep their eye on the second Institution? That means a third will have to be created, and a fourth for the third and so on, ad infinitum, and then who would be left to do anything else? It had turned into a vicious cycle (2a).

    Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь > порочный круг

  • 14 בת II

    בַּתII f., adv. בְּבַת (daughter, product of), בב׳ ראש (= בב׳ זקירת ראש) headlong; בב׳ אחת (= בב׳ עשייה אחת בב׳ כתיבה), at once, simultaneously, suddenly. Yoma 38b נזקרים בב׳ר׳ לאחוריהם (Ms. M. בב׳אחת) staggered backward with a sudden movement (enchanted with the beauty of the music); Cant. R. to III, 6 נסקריןוכ׳; Y.Shek.V, 48d bot. נזקרין לו בת ראש (read בב׳) rushed forward to him headlong (to congratulate him). Yoma 67b זוקרו בב׳ר׳ Ar. a. Ms. Oxf. (ed. זורקו) he pushes the scapegoat down the precipice headlong. Succ.14b כדי שיזדקר בה גדי בב׳ר׳ (Ms. M. גדי ראשו בב׳ אחת …, read בב׳ ראשו) wide enough for a goat to leap through with one headlong rush. Erub.16a כדי שלא יזד׳ הגדי בב׳ר׳ (Ms. M. … שלא ירקד הגדי בב׳ א׳; Tosef.Kil.IV, 6 … שלא יכנס הגדי; Erub. l. c. bot. בב׳ א׳) less space than a goat would require Yoma 38b היה כותבה בב׳ א׳ would write a word of four letters (with four pens between his fingers) at a time. Pes.86b who empties his goblet בב׳ א׳ in one draught. Num. R. s. 4 they did not drop the curtain בב׳ א׳ at once, opp. קימעא קימעא; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > בת II

  • 15 בַּת

    בַּתII f., adv. בְּבַת (daughter, product of), בב׳ ראש (= בב׳ זקירת ראש) headlong; בב׳ אחת (= בב׳ עשייה אחת בב׳ כתיבה), at once, simultaneously, suddenly. Yoma 38b נזקרים בב׳ר׳ לאחוריהם (Ms. M. בב׳אחת) staggered backward with a sudden movement (enchanted with the beauty of the music); Cant. R. to III, 6 נסקריןוכ׳; Y.Shek.V, 48d bot. נזקרין לו בת ראש (read בב׳) rushed forward to him headlong (to congratulate him). Yoma 67b זוקרו בב׳ר׳ Ar. a. Ms. Oxf. (ed. זורקו) he pushes the scapegoat down the precipice headlong. Succ.14b כדי שיזדקר בה גדי בב׳ר׳ (Ms. M. גדי ראשו בב׳ אחת …, read בב׳ ראשו) wide enough for a goat to leap through with one headlong rush. Erub.16a כדי שלא יזד׳ הגדי בב׳ר׳ (Ms. M. … שלא ירקד הגדי בב׳ א׳; Tosef.Kil.IV, 6 … שלא יכנס הגדי; Erub. l. c. bot. בב׳ א׳) less space than a goat would require Yoma 38b היה כותבה בב׳ א׳ would write a word of four letters (with four pens between his fingers) at a time. Pes.86b who empties his goblet בב׳ א׳ in one draught. Num. R. s. 4 they did not drop the curtain בב׳ א׳ at once, opp. קימעא קימעא; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > בַּת

  • 16 carry away

    transitive verb
    forttragen; (by force) fortreißen; (fig.)

    be or get carried away — (be inspired) hingerissen sein (by von); (lose self-control) sich hinreißen lassen

    * * *
    to \carry away sth ⇆ away etw wegtragen [o forttragen]; current etw wegtreiben [o forttreiben], etw wegspülen [o fortspülen]; storm, torrent etw [mit sich] fortreißen
    to be carried away [by sth] (be overcome by) sich akk [von etw dat] mitreißen lassen; (be enchanted by) [von etw dat] hingerissen sein
    3. usu passive (overdo)
    to get carried away [with sth] es [mit etw dat] übertreiben
    don't get carried away! ( fam) jetzt übertreib mal nicht! fam
    I got rather carried away with buying presents ich war beim Geschenkekaufen nicht zu bremsen
    * * *
    vt sep
    1) (lit) (hin)wegtragen; (torrent, flood) (hin)wegspülen; (whirlwind, tornado) hinwegfegen
    2) (fig)

    don't get carried away! — übertreibs nicht!, brems dich (inf)

    to be carried away by one's feelingssich ( in seine Gefühle) hineinsteigern

    don't get carried away by your success —

    * * *
    1. weg-, forttragen, -schaffen
    2. wegreißen (Sturm etc), (Flut etc auch) wegspülen
    3. fig mitreißen:
    get carried away in Verzückung geraten
    4. get carried away fig die Kontrolle über sich verlieren
    * * *
    transitive verb
    forttragen; (by force) fortreißen; (fig.)

    be or get carried away — (be inspired) hingerissen sein (by von); (lose self-control) sich hinreißen lassen

    * * *
    davontragen v.
    mitreißen v.

    English-german dictionary > carry away

  • 17 zachwycać

    impf zachwycić
    * * *
    (-cam, -casz); perf; - cić; vt
    to delight, to enchant

    zachwycać (kogoś) urodą/wdziękiem — to delight (sb) with one's/its beauty/grace

    * * *
    delight, enchant, enrapture; zachwycać urodą/wdziękiem delight with beauty/grace; zachwyciła mnie jego opowieść I was delighted by his story.
    be delighted, be enchanted, be enraptured.

    The New English-Polish, Polish-English Kościuszko foundation dictionary > zachwycać

  • 18 དངོས་གྲུབ་སྡིངས་

    [dngos grub sdings]
    plain where enchanted things are obtained or where one's wishes are fulfilled

    Tibetan-English dictionary > དངོས་གྲུབ་སྡིངས་

  • 19 DVERGR

    (-s, -ar), m.
    1) dwarf (lágr ok digr sem dvergr);
    3) some kind of ornament (? a brooch) in a lady’s dress (sat þar kona … dúkr var á hálsi, dvergar á öxlum).
    * * *
    m. [A. S. dveorg; Engl. dwarf; Germ. (irreg.) zwerg; Swed. dverg]
    α. a dwarf; about the genesis of the dwarfs vide Vsp. 6–16, Edda 9: in mod. Icel. lore dwarfs disappear, but remain in local names, as Dverga-steinn, cp. the Dwarfy Stone in Scott’s Pirate, and in several words and phrases: from the belief that the dwarfs lived in rocks, an echo is called dverg-mál, n. (-mali, m.), dwarf-talk, Al. 35, 37, Fas. iii. 369; and dverg-mála, að, to echo: from the skill of the dwarfs in metal-working, a skilful man is called dverg-hagr, adj. ( skilled as a dwarf), or dvergr, a dwarf in his art; dverga-smíði, n. dwarf’s-work, i. e. all works of rare art, such as the famous or enchanted swords of antiquity, Hervar. S. ch. 2, Fas. i. 514, ii. 463–466 (Ásmund. S.), Gísl. 80: crystal and prismatic stones are in Norway called either dwarf’s-work or ‘dwarfy-stones,’ as people believe that they are worked out by the dwarfs in the depths of the earth: botan., dverga-sóleyg, f. ranunculus glacialis, Hjalt.
    β. from its dwarfed shape, a dog without a tail is in Icel. called dvergr or dverg-hundr, m., Clar.: short pillars which support the beams and rafters in a house are called ‘dvergar;’ this sense occurs as early as Hom. (St.) 65, and is still in use in some parts of Icel.: the four dwarfs, East, West, North, South, are in the Edda the bearers of heaven, Edda 5.
    γ. ornaments in a lady’s dress worn on the shoulder are called ‘dvergar,’ Rm. 16; smokkr á bringu, dúkr á hálsi, dvergar á öxlum, prob. a kind of brooch. For COMPDS vide above.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > DVERGR

  • 20 incantare

    * * *
    incantare1 v.tr. to bewitch, to put* a spell on (s.o.), to enchant, to charm, to spellbind* (anche fig.): la maga li incantò, the sorceress put a spell on them; incantare un serpente, to charm a snake; quella donna lo aveva incantato, (fig.) the woman had bewitched him; musica che incanta l'animo, (fig.) music that delights (o enchants) the mind; l'artista incantò il pubblico, (fig.) the artist held the audience spellbound // non riuscirai a incantarmi con le tue chiacchiere, (fig.) you won't be able to take me in with all your talk.
    incantarsi v.intr.pron.
    1 to be enchanted, to be spellbound, to be charmed; (andare in estasi) to go* into raptures; (perdersi nei propri pensieri) to lose* oneself in day-dreams, to daydream*: incantare di fronte alla bellezza di un tramonto, to go into raptures at the beauty of a sunset; i bambini si incantarono davanti ai burattini, the children were spellbound by the puppets; non ti incantare e riprendi a studiare!, stop daydreaming and get back to studying!; incantare ascoltando la musica di Bach, to be carried away by Bach's music
    2 (incepparsi) to get* stuck, to jam: il fucile si è incantato, the gun has jammed.
    incantare2 v.tr. (non com.) (mettere all'incanto, all'asta) to put* up for auction, to auction.
    * * *
    1. vt
    (per magia), (anche), (fig : persona) to enchant, bewitch, (serpente) to charm
    (bloccarsi: meccanismo) to stick, jam, (persona) to be spellbound, be in a daze

    incantarsi a guardare qn/qc — to stop and stare at sb/sth

    * * *
    [inkan'tare] 1.
    verbo transitivo (stregare) to bewitch, to charm, to enchant

    lasciarsi incantare da qcn. — to fall to sb.'s charms

    verbo pronominale incantarsi
    1) (imbambolarsi) to be* lost in wonder, to be* lost in a daydream
    2) (incepparsi) to get* stuck
    * * *
    /inkan'tare/ [1]
      (stregare) to bewitch, to charm, to enchant; lasciarsi incantare da qcn. to fall to sb.'s charms; incantare serpenti to charm snakes
    II incantarsi verbo pronominale
     1 (imbambolarsi) to be* lost in wonder, to be* lost in a daydream
     2 (incepparsi) to get* stuck.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > incantare

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Enchanted Tiki Room — Autre(s) nom(s) : Walt Disney s Enchanted Tiki Room The Enchanted Tiki Room : Under new management The Enchanted Tiki Room : Stitch Now Presents Aloha E Komo Mai! Localisation Parc  …   Wikipédia en Français

  • One Man's Dream — Localisation Parc : Disney s Hollywood Studios Zone : Mickey Avenue Lieu : Orlando (Floride) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Enchanted Island — can refer to:* Enchanted Island (film), a 1958 movie starring Dana Andrews. * Enchanted Island (song), written by Al Stillman and Robert Allen, popularized by The Four Lads in 1958. * Island of Enchantment, one of the title names attributed to… …   Wikipedia

  • one — 1. When the phrase one of those who… is used, it is normally preferable to follow it with a plural verb (regarding those rather than one as the antecedent), except when particular emphasis is being placed on the individuality of one, in which… …   Modern English usage

  • One of Ours —   First edition …   Wikipedia

  • Enchanted Arms — Infobox VG| title = Enchanted Arms developer = From Software publisher = From Software Ubisoft designer = Masanori Takeuchi engine = released = Xbox 360 [eM] eNCHANT arM flag|JPN January 12, 2006 Enchanted Arms flag|USA August 29, 2006 flag|GBR… …   Wikipedia

  • Enchanted Forest Chronicles — The Enchanted Forest Chronicles is a series of four young adult fantasy novels by Patricia C. Wrede titled Dealing with Dragons, Searching for Dragons, Calling on Dragons, and Talking to Dragons. Dealing with Dragons and Searching for Dragons… …   Wikipedia

  • Enchanted Moura — The moura encantada is a supernatural being from the fairy tales of Portuguese and Galician[1] folklore. They often appear singing and combing their beautiful long hair, golden as gold or black as the night with a golden comb, and promise to give …   Wikipedia

  • Enchanted Forest (Maryland) — The Enchanted Forest is a now closed theme park in Ellicott City, Maryland, on U.S. Route 40 (Baltimore National Pike) near the intersection with Bethany Lane. Other theme parks with the same name have since opened elsewhere.The Enchanted Forest… …   Wikipedia

  • Enchanted forest — In literature, an enchanted forest is a forest under, or containing, enchantments. Such forests are described in the oldest folklore from regions where forests are common, and occur throughout the centuries to modern works of fantasy. They… …   Wikipedia

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